East Square Creative Office is moving to Springdale and you need to get your change of address filed with the post office by August 20th to guarantee your mail will keep coming to you through the Anytime Mailbox dashboard.
How to Change your Address
You can either change your address two ways: with the paper form or online.
Filing the paper form is free and does not require any postage. To use the paper form, you need to go to any US Post Office and pick up a “Change of Address Kit.” Fill it is exactly as in the picture and then drop it in any US Mailbox. Fill out a separate form for your business and your personal mail. Use a separate form for everyone with a different last name.

If you cannot get to a post office and need a paper form, email me and I will mail one to you. You cannot download and print the form.
Or, you can file your change of address online. There is a $1.40 charge to verify your identity. If you are not in the US, the charge may be more. To change your address online, go to usps.com and complete the online form.
East Square Creative is Moving
Remember that East Square Creative is moving to Springdale on August 1st, 2022, and mail will no longer be going to Fayetteville. More details here. You need to change your address with the post office NOW if you want to continue getting mail through your online dashboard. August 20th is very soon. Change your address now.
The “old address” for your change of address is:
1 E Center St 330 (NO BOX NUMBER)
Fayetteville, AR 72701
The “new address” for your forms is:
210 S Thompson #6 Box XXX (You box number)
Springdale, AR 72764
As always, if you are having problems, Email diane@dianehagerty.com or text 479-966-0077 for help.